SBLM ARCHITECTS PC Architecture. · Architectural Services · Architect
545 W 45 St 4Fl, New York, NY 10036 11430 N Kendall Dr SUITE 310, Miami, FL 33176 545 W 45 St, New York, NY 10036 151 W 26 St 2, New York, NY 10001 (305)4129187, (305)4126731
Joshua Burdick President
Sblm Architects Architectural Svcs
151 W 26 St #2, New York, NY 10001 (212)9955600, (212)6754228
Joshua Burdick
455 W Maurice St, Hot Springs, AR 71901 151 W 26Th St, New York, NY 10001
Joshua Burdick Real property
151 W 26, New York, NY 10001 545 W 45 St, New York, NY 10036 545 W 45 St 4, New York, NY 10036
A method for assessing fees for parking is disclosed. The method includes determining the length of a vehicle and assessing a parking fee based upon that vehicle length. The disclosed method may also include marking at least a portion of the selected parking area in increments of length or marking the length of a vehicle on that vehicle. Embodiments of the method are also disclosed that include calculating the parking fee so that a longer vehicle is charged more than a shorter vehicle for parking in the selected parking area. Other embodiments of the disclosed method include calculating the parking fee based on different length ranges that include at least a first length range and a second length range. The first length range has lengths that are shorter than lengths in the second length range. The parking fee is based on which length range the length of the vehicle falls within.
Method Of Assessing A Parking Fee Based Upon Vehicle Make And Model
A method for assessing fees for parking is disclosed. The method includes providing a vehicle registration card containing a vehicle make and model and a parking fee collection device. The parking fee collection device has an associated database containing a parking fee charged for each vehicle make and model. The vehicle make and model is entered into the parking fee collection device for a selected vehicle and a parking fee is assessed based upon the vehicle make and model.
A motorcycle helmet having a ring of light enables the wearer to be seen by anyone, no matter where that person is on a circle centered on the wearer. The ring of light is attached to the shell of the helmet and extends completely around the helmet. The ring of light has a circumferential housing containing a right housing segment, a left housing segment, and a rear housing segment, each containing at least one light. A lens covering is provided over the lights on each segment. The light or lights and lens on the rear segment should together produce a red light beam when the light is activated. A receiver on the ring of light is connected to the lights in the left, right and rear housing segments. The receiver is activated by a transmitter on the motorcycle that is connected to the bike's electrical system. When the brake light or signal lights are activated the transmitter sends signals which the receiver uses to selectively activate the lights in the ring of light. A battery is provided on the ring of light and is connected to the lights and the receiver.
Method Of Assessing Parking Fees Based Upon Vehicle Length
A method for assessing fees for parking is disclosed. The method includes providing vehicle length or information about a vehicle which is associated with the vehicles length to a parking meter or other fee collection device. The parking fee collection device communicates with an associated database containing a parking fee charged for vehicle based upon vehicle length. A vehicle operator enters into the parking fee collection device a vehicle length or information about the vehicle which is associated with vehicle length for a selected vehicle and a parking fee is assessed based upon the vehicle length. The database may also contain information about unpaid parking tickets associated with vehicles, a list of stolen vehicles and/or outstanding warrants for vehicle owners. An appropriate notice is provided when a match is found.
Method Of Assessing A Parking Fee Based Upon Vehicle Fuel Efficiency
A method for assessing fees for parking is disclosed. The method includes providing a vehicle registration card containing a vehicle make and model and a parking fee collection device. The parking fee collection device has an associated database containing a parking fee charged for each vehicle make and model based upon the fuel efficiency of the vehicle. The vehicle make and model is entered into the parking fee collection device for a selected vehicle and a parking fee is assessed based upon the fuel efficiency of the vehicle.