My name is actually Karl W. Schweickardt III, but I use the tag "TodKarlson" because my nick name is "Tod" and therefore you could say that makes me "Tod, ...
A circuit for the efficient generation of high voltage pulses for the initiation of conduction in gaseous discharge lamps, the effective suppression of potentially harmful voltage surges resulting from derangement of one or more electrical, current-carrying mechanical, or mechanical components within the overall gaseous discharge lighting apparatus, and reduction of radio frequency interference resulting from the normal and deranged operation of the overall gaseous discharge lighting apparatus. The ignitor/suppressor includes a semiconductor switching device, a capacitor of special characteristics, a transformer of special construction, and a resistor for the generation of high voltage pulses. The ignitor/suppressor also includes a semiconductor switching device, a capacitor of special characteristics, and a resistor for the effective suppression of abnormally high voltages. The circuit configuration of the ignitor/suppressor eliminates any corona-discharge induced insulation damage within the ballasting apparatus normally employed with gaseous discharge lamps.
Carbon Dioxide Measurement From Expired Gases In A Partial Rebreathing Anesthesia Circuit
Robert L. Rayburn - San Antonio TX Robert L. Watson - San Antonio TX Charles R. Elbel - San Antonio TX Karl W. Schweickardt - San Antonio TX
International Classification:
A61B 508
US Classification:
A method of determining arterial carbon dioxide tension from mixed expired gases of a patient utilizing a partial rebreathing anesthesia circuit. An electrode is inserted into expired gases of a patient to measure expired carbon dioxide tension. An output signal from the electrode, which indicates expired carbon dioxide tension, has a very high impedance. By reducing the impedance of the output signal, a more usable signal is obtained. Also, the signal must be converted to a relatively linear function, which is then scaled to give a visual indication proportionate to the arterial carbon dioxide tension. The electrode is pre-calibrated by gases having known percentages of carbon dioxide. The scaling factor is included to compensate for differences between the expired carbon dioxide tension and arterial carbon dioxide tension.
Electronic Circuit To Initiate And Sustain Current Conduction In Gaseous Discharge Lamps And Method
An electronic circuit is shown to initiate and sustain conduction in a gaseous discharge light. A breakover device and snubber network, isolation network, and self-adjusting symmetrical high voltage pulse generator are incorporated into a standard gaseous discharge light assembly typically composed of a power source, gaseous discharge lamp ballast apparatus, and gaseous discharge lamp. The electronic circuit is used (1) for initiating and sustaining conduction of electrical current through gaseous discharge lamps, (2) to provide active suppression of transient voltages both within and external to the gaseous discharge lighting apparatus, and (3) to provide significant attenuation of the propagation of undesirable conducted and radiated radio frequency interference from the gaseous discharge lamp and the overall associated ballast apparatus.
Karl W. Schweickardt, Jr. 1963 graduate of Shaler Area High School in Pittsburgh , PA is on Memory Lane. Get caught up with Karl W. and other high school ...