I have a Master's Degree in Counseling Psychology, I am a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist - Lic. #MFC31844
By day, I am a psychotherapist working in the field of substance abuse. My other "play" (cause i can't call it "work") is writing haiku poetry and doing art photography. But...
Haiku poet and photographer.
Bragging Rights:
I have published haiku in several well known journals: Modern Haiku, Frogpond, Bottle Rockets, Work Haiku Review, Whirligig (Holland), and Chrysanthemumm (Germany) to name a few. My work will appear in two upcoming anthologies by Robert Epstein.
Kate Godsey
The Waltons ~ John Boy asks Ike Godsey if he ...
1m 51s
The Waltons - Ike & Corabeth - behind the sc...
Instagram - officialjudynort... On The Waltons, Ike and Corabeth Gods...
11m 22s
Chelsey Godsey Memorial Slideshow Full
35m 53s
Hilary + Kate - All Things New - Westy Sessio...
This Westy Session features Hilary & Kate performing their song, All T...
4m 34s
The Great Kate
4m 19s
The Waltons - Ike Godsey asks Corahbeth out o...
From S03E16 The Matchmakers In this scene, Ike Godsey asks Corahbeth W...
1m 19s
Not for Me, Please! I Choose to Act Green by ...
We have a guest reader! One of our high school sophomores, shares a st...