Dec 2003 to 2000 District Sales ManagerMurf Systems Abilene, TX Mar 2003 to Nov 2003 Sales RepresentativeCoca-Cola Enterprises Abilene, TX Nov 2000 to Mar 2003 Business Development ManagerGlazer's Wholesale Drug Co., Inc Abilene, TX May 2000 to Nov 2000 Sales RepresentativeShamrock Texan Shamrock, TX 1986 to 1999 Owner/Editor/Publisher/Sales Representative
Texas Tech University Lubbock, TX 1986 B.A. in JournalismRotan High School Rotan, TX 1982
Kimball home historic video
This is where Spencer Kimball grew up as a boy in Thatcher Arizona.
2m 49s
Grace Kimball WWII Veteran Natick Veterans Or...
Grace Kimball discusses her service in the U.S. Navy's WAVES (Women Ac...
29m 38s
"Peas Pudding" - A Recipe From 1750
"Pease Pudding" is recipe intended for the poor/working class from The...
6m 43s
Kimball Baptism
Union canal is the second location where Pres. Kimball was baptized.
1m 27s
Why We Need to Grieve our Childhood Dreams | ...
Liz Kimball is a creativity and performance coach, writer, creator, an...
13m 55s
Body language, the power is in the palm of yo...
Allan Pease is an Honorary Professor of Psychology at ULIM Internation...