Cardio Thoracic SurgeonsCardio Thoracic Surgeons PC 2871 Acton Rd STE 100, Birmingham, AL 35243 (205)9390023 (phone), (205)9390242 (fax)
Ms. Johnson works in Birmingham, AL and specializes in Thoracic Surgery. Ms. Johnson is affiliated with Grandview Medical Center, St Vincents East Hospital and St Vincents Hospital Birmingham.
Microsoft - Partner Technical Consultant (2010) Microsoft - Senior Support Engineer (2005-2010) Rosenbluth/Upstream LLC - Staffing Analyst (1997-2005)
Minnesota State University Moorhead - Mathematics
Kimberlee Johnson
Rainbows, Rocks and Roots
Born and raised in Georgia. I've traveled the world and come home to my childhood home to start over and begin my life with my family. We are a little of this and a little of that but most importa...
Owner and main operator of RRR! Come grown with us!
Big Flats Elementary School Big Flats NY 1980-1983, Ridge Road Elementary School Horseheads NY 1983-1985, Brentwood Elementary School Raleigh NC 1985-1986, East Millbrook Middle School Raleigh NC 1986-1989
Amy Doman, Charla Short, Derek Russell, Terri Phelps, Gretchen Peterson, Christopher Carrigan, Shawn Lewis, Michael Rupp, Karen Mccluskey