An apparatus and method for the automated manufacture of self-sealing inflatable dunnage bags includes a bag making machine. The bag making machine includes a plurality of sheet roll spindles and a plurality of heat sealing rollers. A first bag sheet roll is retained on a first bag spindle. A second bag sheet roll is retained on a second bag spindle. A strip bag sheet roll is retained on a strip spindle. A plurality of first openings are formed through the first bag sheet. A plurality of second openings are formed through the strip bag sheet. Each edge of the strip bag sheet is heat sealed to the first bag sheet with a first roller. A first bag roller seals an end partition across the first and second bag sheets. The edges of the first and second bag sheet are heat sealed to each other with a second bag roller.
A plurality of self-sealing inflatable dunnage bags are formed on a continuous strip. The continuous strip includes a first bag layer, a second bag layer and an air channel layer. A bag perimeter sealing line is formed between the first and second bag layers for each bag cavity. At least one air flow sealing line extends inward into the bag cavity. An air flow channel is formed between the second and third bag layers. An air pocket is located in the air channel layer for each bag cavity. An air bag opening is formed through the second bag layer in the air pocket. Air flows through the air flow channel into the air pocket and through the air bag opening to inflate each bag cavity.
End User Filled Protective Packaging With Self-Sealing Air Bubbles
End user filled protective packaging with self-sealing air bubbles includes a bubble layer, a valve layer and a valve cover layer. A plurality of bubble cell patterns are formed on the bubble layer with adhesive, glue or heat sealing. The valve layer is attached to bubble layer. A plurality of check valves are formed on the valve layer with adhesive, glue or heat sealing. An air opening is formed through each one of the plurality of check valves to inflate the plurality of bubble cells. The valve cover layer is attached to the valve layer. A row with at least one bubble cell is filled with air by applying a source of air at an entrance of the check valve. Inflation of the at least one bubble cell causes the valve layer and valve cover layer to contact each other to seal the check valve.
Inflatable Packaging With Self-Sealing Air Bubbles
Inflatable packaging with self-sealing air bubbles includes a bubble layer, a valve layer and a valve cover layer. A plurality of bubble cell patterns are formed on the bubble layer with adhesive, glue or heat sealing. The valve layer is attached to bubble layer. A plurality of check valves are formed on the valve layer. An air opening is formed through each one of the plurality of check valves to inflate the plurality of bubble cells. The valve cover layer is attached to the valve layer. A row with at least one bubble cell is filled with air through the check valve. Inflation of the bubble cells cause the valve layer and valve cover layer to contact each other to seal the check valve.
End User Filled Protective Packaging With Self-Sealing Air Bubbles
End user filled protective packaging with self-sealing air bubbles includes a first bubble layer, a second bubble layer and a air channel layer. The first and second bubble layers are sealed together to form a plurality of bubble chambers. A plurality of bubble cells are formed in each bubble chamber by extending a plurality of air flow sealing lines. An air flow channel is formed between the second bubble layer and the air channel layer. One end of a cross air fill passage communicates with the air flow channel and the other end communicates with a fill opening in the second bubble layer. Air flows into each cross air flow passage and through the fill opening to inflate the bubble chamber. Inflation of the bubble chamber causes the plurality of air flow sealing lines to seal the cross air fill passage and prevent deflation of the bubble chamber.
End User Filled Self-Sealing Inflatable Dunnage Bag
A plurality of self-sealing inflatable dunnage bags are formed on a continuous strip. The continuous strip includes a first bag layer, a second bag layer and an air channel layer. A bag perimeter sealing line is formed between the first and second bag layers to form a bag cavity. Two air flow sealing lines extend into the bag cavity. An air flow channel is formed between the second and air channel bag layers. One end of a cross air flow channel communications with the air flow channel and the other end communicates with a fill opening in the second bag layer. Air from an inflation pin flows into each cross air flow passage and through the fill opening to inflate the bag cavity. Inflation of the bag cavity causes the two air flow sealing lines to seal the cross air fill passage and prevent deflation of the bag cavity.
Method And Apparatus For Changing A Strip Of Sealed Bag Precursors In To Open Bags
Methods and apparatus for changing a strip of sealed bag precursors in to open bags are disclosed. The apparatus is referred to as a transforming or bag opening machine and includes a separation station and may include a perforation station and a piercing station. The perforation station forms a plurality of end perforations in the multiple layers of a strip of sealed bag precursors. The separation station separates the plurality of end perforations in at least one film layer of the trip to form a plurality of bag openings. The plurality of end perforation are torn by the separation station, which includes manipulating the rotation of a main roller, a pressure roller and at least one separation roller.
Method And Apparatus For Opening Bags While Maintaining A Continuous Strip Of Bag Precursors
Transforming machines for changing a strip of unopened bag precursors into open bag precursors are disclosed that include a drive motor, a separation station, a sensor electrically connected to a controller that is electrically connected to components of the separation station. The separation station includes a first roller, a separation roller driven by the drive motor, and a pressure device having an actuator selectively activating the pressure device to apply pressure to the strip of unopened bag precursors passing over the first roller. In operation, the controller, based on a signal from the sensor, determines when perforations are located in a gap between the pressure device and the separation roller and at that time signals the actuator to activate the pressure device, with the drive motor driving the separation roller, thereby separating the perforations in a first film layer, but not the perforations in a second film layer.
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