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Mount Holyoke College, B.A., 1968
Law School:
University of California at Davis, J.D., 1977; University of San Diego, LL.M., 1985
Reinvented myself when I closed out a 30-year career in commercial furniture and re-sale in Tucson to move to Globe Arizona and care for my mother. I inherited her life which included a Bed & Brea...
Passionate possibility thinker
Linda Gross
Lovers Lane Weddings - Wedding Planner
Linda Gross
Linda Gross
Linda Gross
Fun, Affordable...Unique Weddings
Linda Gross
Linda Gross
Linda Gross
J&J Owes $7.76 Million in Punitives in Vaginal Mesh Case
The total of $11.1 million goes to Linda Gross, a SouthDakota nurse who complained of constant pain and underwent 18operations after J&Js Gynecare Prolift was implanted to shoreup weakened pelvic muscles. On Feb. 25, the panel found that J&Jand its Ethicon unit failed to warn her surgeoIn his summation, Slater said, They stood in front of youand said were begging you. Were begging you. Every single dayLinda Gross begs to be out of the prison that shes in of painand all the things that have happened to her; every damn day.Thats human. Thats real.
Date: Feb 28, 2013
Category: Business
Source: Google
Jury awards $7.8M in damages in New Jersey surgical mesh lawsuit
Johnson & Johnson, whose division Ethicon makes the Prolift transvaginal mesh, was earlier ordered to pay Linda Gross $3.35 million in compensatory damages, making her award a total of $11.1 million.
Date: Feb 28, 2013
Category: Health
Source: Google
J&J Seeks to Avoid Punitives After Losing Mesh Verdict
Lawyers for Linda Gross today asked jurors in state courtin Atlantic City to require J&J, the worlds largest seller ofhealth-care products, to pay punitive damages. The panelyesterday awarded compensatory damages after finding J&J failedto warn Grosss surgeon of the risks tied to its G
Date: Feb 26, 2013
Category: Health
Source: Google
J&J Failed to Warn of Vaginal Mesh Risks, N.J. Jury Rules
iconunit failed to warn a South Dakota womans surgeon of the riskstied to its Gynecare Prolift vaginal mesh implant andfraudulently misled her. Linda Gross, a 47-year-old nurse, suedalong with her husband, complaining of constant pain and 18operations she had after the device was implanted.
The state Superior Court jury in Atlantic City awarded the compensatory damages to Linda Gross, 47, of Watertown, S.D. Her attorney said pain and other complications caused by the implant forced the former hospital hospice nurse to stop working shortly after her surgery in 2006.