age ~63
from Somerville, MA
Art collector, Magdalena Soucek tells us all about her insights on art...
Ne nhodu 10. 10. vydvme 10. dl naeho podcastu Cesta s EY. V tento den ...
Magdalena Souek, Country Managing Partner spolenosti EY, modertorce Pa...
Interview with Magdalena Soucek, Managing Partner of EY for Central & ...
Poslechnte si co Zajikovi popla k 11tm narozeninm Magdalena Souek, ved...
Za klnm stoj auditorsk gigant EY, jeho fka pro stedn a jihovchodn Evro...
Watch the Match Highlights from Iga Swiatek vs. Magdalena Frech at the...
Jak hodnot slavnostn galaveer soute EY Podnikatel roku 2015, vedouc pa...