
Maha M Yahya

from Cambridge, MA

Also known as:
  • Maha A

Maha Yahya Phones & Addresses

  • Cambridge, MA
  • Boerne, TX


Visualizing Secularism And Religion: Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey, India By Maha Yahya (2012-05-22)

Visualizing Secularism and Religion: Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey, India by Maha Yahya (2012-05-22)

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Maha Yahya;


University of Michigan Press (2012-05-22)


Visualizing Secularism And Religion: Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey, India

Visualizing Secularism and Religion: Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey, India

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Over the past two decades secular polities across the globe have witnessed an increasing turn to religion-based political movements, such as the rise of political Islam and Hindu nationalism, which have been fueling new and alternative notions of nationhood and national ideologies. The rise of such ...

Maha Yahya



University of Michigan Press


EAN Code



#IndiaAndTheWorl... Special Edition | In Con...

Join us on September 15 for the second webinar in a special edition of...

  • Duration:
    44m 21s

A New Jerusalem? | Maha Yahya

  • Duration:
    5m 37s

Maha Yahya: Achievements of the Lebanese Prot...

Maha Yahya is director of the Carnegie Middle East Center, where her r...

  • Duration:
    1m 44s

Interview with Maha Yahya - MED202

Maha Yahya Director, Malcolm H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Center MED i...

  • Duration:
    2m 26s

Maha Yahya | Giving Refugees an Ear

  • Duration:
    9m 13s

Maha Yahya on the Safe Return of Syrian Refug...

Maha Yahya, Director of the Carnegie Middle East Center in Beirut, sit...

  • Duration:
    6m 33s


Maha Yahya Photo 1

Maha Yahya

جامعة بغداد, الجمهورية
Maha Yahya Photo 2

Maha Yahya

المنصورة, ليسانس فى الاداب +ليسانس فى الحقوق - التربية والتعليم
Maha Yahya Photo 3

Maha Yahya

Maha Yahya Photo 4

Maha Yahya

Maha Yahya Photo 5

Maha Yahya

Maha Yahya Photo 6

Maha Yahya



‘We Need Justice’: Seething Protesters Descend On The Streets Of Beirut

‘We need justice’: seething protesters descend on the streets of Beirut

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  • Demanding the government resign, the director of the Carnegie Middle East Centre, Maha Yahya, said: The political parties are invested in the status quo because for the longest time state institutions were their golden goose. Now that goose is dead and the state is bankrupt. But they have no other
  • Date: Aug 09, 2020
  • Category: Headlines
  • Source: Google
After Lebanese Leader's Tv Appearance, Doubts Grow About His Future — And Lebanon's

After Lebanese Leader's TV Appearance, Doubts Grow About His Future — And Lebanon's

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  • Maha Yahya, the director of the Middle East Center of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, says she believes Hariri's TV appearance may have been a way for him and the Saudis to save face in the wake of an international backlash. The United States, the U.K. and several European countries
  • Date: Nov 13, 2017
  • Category: World
  • Source: Google
Russian Power Takes Assad To Gates Of Rebel Stronghold: Q&A

Russian Power Takes Assad to Gates of Rebel Stronghold: Q&A

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  • civilians, with only a few hundred reportedly fleeing along safe routes. Even if they manage to escape, the clampdown on refugees entering neighboring countries as well as Europe means people have genuinely nowhere to go, said Maha Yahya, director of the Carnegie Middle East Center in Beirut.
  • Date: Aug 02, 2016
  • Source: Google
Decade After War With Israel, Another War Batters Hezbollah

Decade after war with Israel, another war batters Hezbollah

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  • mean some families obviously aren't happy. We've heard a lot of stories about families saying why are our kids dying in Syria, we can understand them dying in the fight against Israel but why are they dying in the fight in Syria," said Maha Yahya, director of the Carnegie Middle East Center in Beirut.
  • Date: Jul 12, 2016
  • Category: World
  • Source: Google

Moscow's drawdown in Syria sends a strong message to Assad

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  • here was an overlap in interests in the last few months. Now they (the Russians) are telling Assad, this is where we start to diverge, and youve got to step up to your responsibilities, you cant rely on us forever, said Maha Yahya, acting director of the Carnegie Middle East Center.
  • Date: Mar 15, 2016
  • Category: World
  • Source: Google
Mursi One Year On: Torture Claims Suggest Sharp Drop In Human Rights

Mursi one year on: torture claims suggest sharp drop in human rights

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  • Maha Yahya, from the Middle East Centre at global think tank Carnegie, said: Egyptians, it seems, are being asked once again to exchange their political freedoms for stability and security. However, the expanding clampdown on fundamental rights overlooks the fact that security and stability cannot
  • Date: Jul 03, 2014
  • Category: World
  • Source: Google

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