A method and apparatus for a recirculating system with single feed that incorporates a liquid transfer vessel that helps prevent the vessels in the system from flooding, provides easy displacement of liquid refrigerant from the flooded vessels while economizing refrigerant liquid lines with insulation, pumps, and valves in the refrigeration system.
In a cooling system, a member is positioned between an evaporator and the spaced to be cooled by the cooling system. The member diverts air that flows back from the cooled space to the evaporator away from the bottom region of the evaporator.
Air-Cooled Ammonia Refrigeration Systems And Methods
- Bentonville AR, US Marcos Rente Braz - Azle TX, US
International Classification:
F25B 15/04 F25B 15/00 F25B 15/02 F25B 37/00
In some embodiments, an air-cooled ammonia refrigeration system comprises: an air-cooled condenser comprising a heat exchanger and at least one axial fan; an evaporator coupled to the air-cooled condenser; a subcooler positioned between the air-cooled condenser and the evaporator; a compressor coupled to the evaporator; an oil cooler coupled to the compressor; a water system coupled to the air-cooled condenser, the water system comprising a water source, a water pump, and a plurality of spray nozzles positioned below the air-cooled condenser; and a control circuit coupled to the air-cooled condenser and the water system, the control circuit configured to pulse atomized water through the plurality of spray nozzles to a surface of the air-cooled condenser when a head pressure of the air-cooled condenser is higher than a predetermined value.
Air-Cooled Ammonia Refrigeration Systems And Methods
In some embodiments, an air-cooled ammonia refrigeration system comprises: a plurality of air-cooled condensers, each having a heat exchanger and at least one axial fan and having a first operating state capable of condensing vaporous ammonia to form liquid ammonia; an evaporator coupled to the air-cooled condenser; a subcooler positioned between the air-cooled condenser and the evaporator; a compressor coupled to the evaporator; an oil cooler coupled to the compressor; and a plurality of valves coupled to the plurality of air-cooled condensers and having a first configuration corresponding to the first operating state of the plurality of air-cooled condensers, and a second configuration corresponding to a second operating state of one or more of the plurality of air-cooled condensers such that the one or more of the plurality of air-cooled condensers functions as an evaporator capable of evaporating liquid ammonia to form vaporous ammonia.
Marcos Braz - Arlington TX, US Daniel Braz - Arlington TX, US
International Classification:
F25B 39/04 F25B 41/04
A refrigeration system includes a high-pressure main header gas line; a low-pressure condensate discharge gas line; a condenser having a first port in gaseous communication with the high-pressure main header gas line; a second port in gaseous communication with the low-pressure condensate discharge gas line; a purge assembly in gaseous communication with the low-pressure condensate discharge gas line, the purge assembly is configured to purge air from the gas channeled through the low-pressure condensate discharge gas line; and an adiabatic air cooling system disposed within the condenser having a plurality of jet nozzles configured to inject a cooling gas within the condenser.
Air-Cooled Ammonia Refrigeration Systems And Methods
In some embodiments, an air-cooled ammonia refrigeration system comprises: a plurality of air-cooled condensers, each having a heat exchanger and at least one axial fan and having a first operating state capable of condensing vaporous ammonia to form liquid ammonia; an evaporator coupled to the air-cooled condenser; a subcooler positioned between the air-cooled condenser and the evaporator; a compressor coupled to the evaporator; an oil cooler coupled to the compressor; and a plurality of valves coupled to the plurality of air-cooled condensers and having a first configuration corresponding to the first operating state of the plurality of air-cooled condensers, and a second configuration corresponding to a second operating state of one or more of the plurality of air-cooled condensers such that the one or more of the plurality of air-cooled condensers functions as an evaporator capable of evaporating liquid ammonia to form vaporous ammonia.
Air-Cooled Ammonia Refrigeration Systems And Methods
- Bentonville AR, US Marcos Rente Braz - Azle TX, US
International Classification:
F25B 15/04 F25B 15/00 F25B 15/02 F25B 37/00
In some embodiments, an air-cooled ammonia refrigeration system comprises: an air-cooled condenser comprising a heat exchanger and at least one axial fan; an evaporator coupled to the air-cooled condenser; a subcooler positioned between the air-cooled condenser and the evaporator; a compressor coupled to the evaporator; an oil cooler coupled to the compressor; a water system coupled to the air-cooled condenser, the water system comprising a water source, a water pump, and a plurality of spray nozzles positioned below the air-cooled condenser; and a control circuit coupled to the air-cooled condenser and the water system, the control circuit configured to pulse atomized water through the plurality of spray nozzles to a surface of the air-cooled condenser when a head pressure of the air-cooled condenser is higher than a predetermined value.
Marcos Braz
Marcos Braz
Marcos Braz
Todos os dias quando acordo, não tenho mais o tempo que passou.
Marcos Braz
Marcos Braz
Marcos Braz
Marcos Braz
Marcos Braz
Marcos Braz dispara contra o rbitro: "canalha"
O vice-presidente de futebol do Flamengo, Marcos Braz, criticou o rbit...
News & Politics
04 Nov, 2009
2m 42s
Renato Braz canta "Bonfim" - Bruno Conde e Ca...
Cano que faz parte do novo CD de BRUNO CONDE, que se chama: "Prisma - ...
05 Apr, 2011
3m 39s
Eliano Braz and Rabeca do Forro @ Bar Matchle...
Eliano Braz with Davi Vieira on Zabumba, Marcos Vigio on guitar, Mike ...
24 May, 2011
6m 21s
DROPS - NEW YORK - 01 - by Rosman Braz
A Srie DROPS sempre traz vdeos de curta durao com novidades, dicas e t...
People & Blogs
18 Jun, 2011
1m 53s
Denncia Universidade Braz Cubas
Vdeo exibido no Dirio TV primeira Edio, da TV Dirio (afiliada Rede Glo...
News & Politics
09 Mar, 2011
6m 49s
Recife - a maior cidade pequena do mundo
Recife -- a maior cidade pequena do mundo De um pernambucano orgulhoso...
05 Jul, 2011
2m 22s
Gama, DF - Marcos Braz - sobre a regio
Gama, DF - Storytelling
People & Blogs
19 Apr, 2011
2m 22s
Artes - Marcos Braz
Portiflio de Artes criadas por marcos braz - fotografo e artista plstico