Bourbonnais, IllinoisSoutheast Regional Sales Manager at Alar Past: Sales Manager at MonlanGroup 25 years experience in waste water management including filtration, recycling, and waste water treatment.
they have food and water?, which they did. At this point, we can't legally seize the horses."Marty Jackson, a former animal cruelty investigator with the Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region, is pained by the images coming out of the barn.We're so close, we're fiive miles from them," Jackson said.
Date: Sep 21, 2014
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Sheriff's Office investigating dead horses in Black Forest, no word on what killed ...
Marty Jackson, a board member with the Colorado Horsecare Food Bank, said she called the sheriff's office Friday offering to provide hay for the horses living on the property, but had not heard back as of Sunday.
Date: Sep 21, 2014
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Heat-related deaths are causing concern for football teams
"We have to take them as close to the edge without getting stupid," Knights coach Marty Jackson said. "We have to get them acclimated, because we play games no matter what the heat index is. But if a kid says he can't go, he can't go."