Dr. Walsh graduated from the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry in 2004. She works in Shoreline, WA and specializes in Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. Dr. Walsh is affiliated with Northwest Hospital & Medical Center, Seattle Childrens Hospital, Swedish Edmonds Hospital and Swedish Medical Center - First Hill.
Saint Luke's ClinicSaint Lukes Clinic Rheumatology 520 S Eagle Rd STE 3211, Meridian, ID 83642 (208)7065930 (phone), (208)7065942 (fax)
Ms. Walsh works in Meridian, ID and specializes in Rheumatology. Ms. Walsh is affiliated with St Lukes Boise Medical Center, St Lukes Elmore Medical Center and St Lukes Meridian Medical Center.
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License Records
Melissa M Walsh
License #:
7025622 - Expired
EMS Licensing
Melissa Renee Walsh
License #:
29588 - Expired
Nursing Support
Issued Date:
May 2, 1995
Effective Date:
Mar 2, 1999
Nurse Aide
Name / Title
Company / Classification
Phones & Addresses
Melissa Walsh President
2180 Chatsworth Blvd, San Diego, CA 92107 (619)8582848