Yahoo reported that Michelle Lever shared their story because she wanted to give other parents hope. She thinks that the uplifting footage of her son's experience will help reassure other parents in similar situations of a positive outcome.
His mother, Michelle Lever, told the Daily Mail Australia that in that moment, her "baby's world just opened up." She also said it was "the most magical thing" she had ever seen. She wantsher video to bring hope to other mothers.
This type of video always gets to us. Tony and Michelle Levers 7-week-old baby, Lachlan, was born with moderate to severe sensorineural hearing impairment in both ears, a condition that left him deaf and unlikely to develop speech without any intervention.
Date: Sep 05, 2014
Category: Health
Source: Google
7-Week-Old Baby Hears For The First Time. His Smile Says It All.
"When they turned the headphones on and Lachlan smiled and his face lit up, it was the most magical thing Id ever seen in my life," Lachlan's mom, Michelle Lever, told the Daily Mail Australia. "It's such a happy, special moment. My babys world just opened up."