Loyola University of Chicago 2008 - 2010
M.S, BiologyCurrent Relevant Course Work:
Bio-Statistics, Bio-Informatics, Computational Biology, Data Structures and Algorithms in Java,
Teaching Practicum, Research.
Awards and Publications:
Second Place Award: Frontiers in Life Science Poster Session (April 2009)
Micek, M., Putonti, C. Investigating the evolution of interactomes. Proceedings of the Midwest Ecology Evolution Conference (Lincoln, NE), 2009: P40.
Micek, M. and Putonti, C. Methods for Examining the Evolution of Auditory Genes Responsible for Human Deafness Syndromes. Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Midwest Symposium on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (Urbana-Champaign, IL), 2008: P18.
Loyola University of Chicago 2001 - 2006
B.S, Biology, Psychology
LUC-ASK Advisor Proficient in Microsoft Word Excel PowerPoint Systat Fluent Polish speaker