Even the volunteers getting the control ("sham") therapy are expected to show some benefit, says Dr. Nathan Herrmann, a co-principal investigator and head of geriatric psychiatry at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. Their involvement in the demanding study should increase their cognitive reserve.
Date: Jan 22, 2018
Category: Health
Source: Google
Alzheimer's risk raised with use of anxiety, sleeping pills: study
"It's been longrecommended that benzodiazepines should be used for short-term management of anxiety and sleep disorders," Nathan Herrmann, head of geriactricpsychiatryat Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto, told CBC News.
Date: Sep 10, 2014
Category: Health
Source: Google
Nathan Herrmann
Self Regional Healthcare - Programmer Analyst
Piedmont Technical College - Computer Programming, Limestone College - Computer Programming