Even the volunteers getting the control ("sham") therapy are expected to show some benefit, says Dr. Nathan Herrmann, a co-principal investigator and head of geriatric psychiatry at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. Their involvement in the demanding study should increase their cognitive reserve.
Date: Jan 22, 2018
Category: Health
Source: Google
Alzheimer's risk raised with use of anxiety, sleeping pills: study
"It's been longrecommended that benzodiazepines should be used for short-term management of anxiety and sleep disorders," Nathan Herrmann, head of geriactricpsychiatryat Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto, told CBC News.
Date: Sep 10, 2014
Category: Health
Source: Google
Nathan Herrmann
Self Regional Healthcare - Programmer Analyst
Piedmont Technical College - Computer Programming, Limestone College - Computer Programming
Nathan Herrmann
Nathan Herrmann
Nathan Herrmann
Nathan Herrmann
Nathan Herrmann
Spears Business Student Spotlight - Nathan He...
Accounting student Nathan Herrmann talks about his experience so far a...
2m 42s
AM1 Managing Behavioural Symptoms of Dementia...
Nathan Herrmann MD, FRCP(C), Head of the Division of Geriatric Psychia...
1m 1s
Dr Nathan Herrmann: Georgian Bay Healthcare ...
29m 2s
BEBY Lecture - Dr. Nathan Herrmann
This video is about BEBY Lecture - Dr. Nathan Herrmann.