Nikki Bannister's Public Profile on Plaxo. Plaxo helps members like Nikki Bannister keep in touch with the people who really matter, helping them to connect, keep ...
Learn a second language by doing what you love
Hola friends, hi amigos! Do you believe learning a second language can...
12m 48s
Do you need a teacher, a coach, a guide, a fr...
Hola friends, hi amigos! What is a coach...and why do I want to work m...
40m 32s
WHAT my Spanish students do to succeed - and ...
Hi amigos, and hola friends! How's life? Que tal? Join me for a biling...
33m 2s
Why you feel tempted to give up on your goals...
What does it mean to make non-linear progress? // Qu significa avanzar...
28m 51s
When you feel too tired and too small to keep...
When you feel small, tired, and weak, who or what do you look to for s...
24m 18s
How to live your best life when things are so...
Hola friends, hi amigos! This year's been tough, right? Join me for a ...
Nikki G. Bannister 1991 graduate of Avoyelles High School in Moreauville, LA is on Memory Lane. Get caught up with Nikki G. and other high school alumni from ...