
Owen M Gingerich

age ~43

from Arthur, IL

Also known as:
  • Owen Rachel Gingerich
Phone and address:
49 Cr 300, Arthur, IL 61911

Owen Gingerich Phones & Addresses

  • 49 Cr 300, Arthur, IL 61911 • (217)5432013
  • 49 Cr 200, Arthur, IL 61911
  • Humboldt, IL

Isbn (Books And Publications)

The Book Nobody Read: Chasing the Revolutions of Nicolaus Copernicus

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Owen Gingerich


Alexander Graham Bell: Making Connections

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Owen Gingerich


Nicolaus Copernicus: Making the Earth a Planet

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Owen Gingerich


Oxford Portraits in Science

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Owen Gingerich


Oxford Portraits in Science

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Owen Gingerich


Theory and Observation of Normal Stellar Atmospheres: Proceedings of the Third Harvard-smithsonian Converence on Stellar Atmosphere

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Owen Gingerich


Star Struck: One Thousand Years of the Art and Science of Astronomy

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Owen Gingerich


Star Struck: One Thousand Years of the Art and Science of Astronomy

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Owen Gingerich



Owen Gingerich

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Dr. Owen Jay Gingerich (1930-) is a former Research Professor of Astronomy and of the History of Science at Harvard University, and a senior astronomer ...

Name / Title
Company / Classification
Phones & Addresses
Owen Gingerich
Owens Auction Service
Business Services
49 E County Rd 300 N, Arthur, IL 61911

Wikipedia References

Owen Gingerich Photo 1

Owen Gingerich


New Horizons Isn't Tired Yet: Spacecraft Discovers Three Kuiper Belt Objects

New Horizons isn't tired yet: Spacecraft discovers three Kuiper Belt objects

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  • designation was removed by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in 2006, to great public criticism. At a public forum in September, Owen Gingerich, who chairs the IAU planet definition committee, stated his belief Pluto is a planet, although there exists no official move to reclassify the body.
  • Date: Oct 16, 2014
  • Category: Sci/Tech
  • Source: Google
In Debate, Harvard Scientists Argue That Pluto Should Be Reconsidered A Planet

In debate, Harvard scientists argue that Pluto should be reconsidered a planet

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  • three planetary scientists to hash out a definition of a planet that they and the public audience could agree upon. According to a statement, the debate was chaired by science historian Dr. Owen Gingerich, who was joined by Dr. Gareth Williams, associate director of the Minor Planet Center, and Dr.
  • Date: Oct 03, 2014
  • Category: Sci/Tech
  • Source: Google
Pluto Reinstated As A Planet

Pluto Reinstated As A Planet

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  • Three experts chimed in about Pluto: Dr. Owen Gingerich, chair the IAU planet definition committee; Dr. Gareth Williams, associate director of the Minor Planet Center; and Dr. Dimitar Sasselov, director of the Harvard Origins of Life Initiative.
  • Date: Oct 03, 2014
  • Category: Sci/Tech
  • Source: Google

Pluto may regain its status as 9th Planet of our Solar System again

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  • system or remain at its demoted status as a dwarf planet. High-powered space authorities were present at the meeting, including Dr. Owen Gingerich, the former chairman of the IAUs planet definition committee who was himself a part of the team that demoted the status of Pluto from a planet in 2006.
  • Date: Oct 03, 2014
  • Source: Google
Debate Over Pluto's Status As A Dwarf Planet Reignited

Debate Over Pluto's Status as a Dwarf Planet Reignited

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  • Recently, the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophyics held a public debate that included three major space authorities, including the former chair of the IAU's planet definition commitee, Dr. Owen Gingerich. Following the debate, the audience voted that Pluto should be reinstated as a planet.
  • Date: Oct 02, 2014
  • Category: Sci/Tech
  • Source: Google
Pluto May Reclaim Its Status As A Planet

Pluto may reclaim its status as a planet

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  • IAU planet definition committee chair Owen Gingerich, a science historian from Harvard, said that the definition of the word planet is a cultural one, and one that has evolved over the course of scientific history. Based on that argument, Gingerich re-established the case for Pluto being classified
  • Date: Oct 02, 2014
  • Category: Sci/Tech
  • Source: Google
Breaking News Watch Live: Abc7 News At 5 Pm


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  • , one of the largest astrophysical institutions in the world, recently held a public debate with three major space authorities, including the former chair of the IAU's planet definition committee, Dr. Owen Gingerich. At the end of the debate, the audience voted to reinstate Pluto as a planet.
  • Date: Oct 02, 2014
  • Category: Sci/Tech
  • Source: Google
Wait, What? Pluto A Planet Again?

Wait, what? Pluto a planet again?

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  • Harvard science historian Owen Gingerich, who chairs the IAU planet definition committee, argued at a forum last month that "a planet is a culturally defined word that changes over time," and that Pluto is a planet.
  • Date: Oct 02, 2014
  • Category: Sci/Tech
  • Source: Google


Owen Gingerich Photo 2

Owen Gingerich


Owen Gingerich - What are the Ultimate Questi...

What are the most fundamental questions, the most penetrating question...

  • Duration:
    7m 9s

Owen Gingerich - How Did Our Universe Begin?

Beginnings are momentous, the beginning of the universe especially so....

  • Duration:
    7m 46s

Eames Office Oral Histories: Harvard Profess...

Charles and Ray Eames sought out top experts to collaborate on their e...

  • Duration:
    4m 48s

Owen Gingerich - Saturday Morning Physics - 1...

Owen Gingerich "Four Myths of the Copernican Revolution" November 3, 2...

  • Duration:
    57m 48s

Interview with Owen Gingerich, part 1

An interview with Owen Gingerich, historian of science and astronomer,...

  • Duration:
    53m 32s

Owen Gingerich - Arguing God from Teleology?

To argue from teleology is to claim that the cosmos has a purpose. Is ...

  • Duration:
    11m 33s

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