Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Cambridge MA
International Classification:
H03B 104 H04N 5213
US Classification:
A system and method of eliminating systematic noise in a stimulus-response system. A data acquisition time frame is triggered during which a desired response signal is acquired. The triggering initiates the systematic noise which is stored along with the desired response signal. A stimulus signal is provided to the stimulus-response system in order to induce the desired response signal. A variable delay is introduced between the triggering of the data acquisition time frame and the provision of the stimulus signal. Individual sets of response signals are acquired which respectively correspond to each introduced variable delay. The sets of acquired response signals are shifted so that the stimulus signals are equivalent in time with respect to each set of acquired response signals. The shifted sets of acquired response signals are summed in order to convolute in time the systematic noise.
Raymond Ashoori
Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Professor
Raymond Ashoori - Using Quantum Tunneling to...
Stanford University APPLIED PHYSICS/PHYSICS COLLOQUIUM Tuesday, Januar...
1h 8m 28s
Single-electron Capacitance Spectroscopy Prob...
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2m 1s
Ashoori Law Review (Satisfied Client Testimon...
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2m 55s
Orality and Literacy XIV: Textualization | D2...
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26m 48s
REUEL "Human Spirit" Official Video (Co-Compo...
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3m 40s
Self Care - Episode 2 with Baker, Actress and...
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1h 6m 11s
Steven Ashoori's Sketchup Project
1m 6s
* Afterlife * (With Raymond Moody) *
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