So does cancer survivor and Livestrong volunteer Rebecca Esparza, who says she will continue to volunteer for the group, and refer other patients there for help. Esparza says it was Livestrong's support for Planned Parenthood, however, not Armstrong's doping charges, that made her stop raising money
Date: Oct 17, 2012
Category: Sports
Source: Google
Rebecca Esparza
Ovarian and thyroid cancer survivor. Fundraiser, caregiver, speaker and advocate.
Rebecca Esparza
Rebecca Esparza
Rebecca Esparza
Rebecca Esparza
Rebecca Esparza Surviving in Fashion
Rebecca Esparza catwalk model and stage 4 ovarian cancer survivor, put...
2m 31s
Rebecca and Robert Esparza
Robert and Rebecca tell their story.
4m 25s
Genghis Grill #HealthKwest 2014 Rebecca Espar...
Genghis Grill is once again challenging its fans to adopt a healthier,...
3m 35s
Felipe Esparza Interview Louis CK's Accuser
Felipe Esparza, Louis Ck, Rebecca Corry, Rodrigo Torres.
24m 56s
Lights of Hope ceremony held to honor cancer ...
I want family members to know that their loved ones are not forgotten,...
1m 46s
Raul Esparza - Being Alive
From the February 20th, 2008 "Company" edition of "Great Performances"...