Richard vav Wawrzyniak - Just one of many Wawrzyniak's - Rocketgenius Support Team - Rocketgenius, Inc. - I'm an introvert, a nerd, and a techie. I'm part of...
Hardware? Software? Flex Logix hopes for best of both worlds
If Flex Logix delivers what it promises, many customers should be interested, said Richard Wawrzyniak, an analyst with Semico Research. "It is interesting to see this technology come on the market because it can solve a lot of problems for a lot of people if done the right way," he said.
Date: Feb 23, 2015
Category: Sci/Tech
Source: Google
Richard “Vav” Wawrzyniak
I'm an introvert, a nerd, a geek, a techie, a fan of Star Trek, Doctor Who, Game of Thrones and many other things. I spend my working week designing floor and roof structures using easi-joist meta...