A device for generating isometric control signals in three axes is formed of a shaft having opposed pairs of strain gauges mounted thereon at angles to the shaft axis. One end of the shaft is fixed and the opposite free end is operable by the fingers. Electrical circuitry for combining the signals to produce useful outputs is also disclosed.
Robert Goroski
Rosicrucian Alchemical Practices for Developi...
Speaker: Dr Robert Gilbert 00:00 - The Awakened Self (The Foundational...
16m 18s
Golandsky Institute Online Workshop: Robert D...
Join us for our workshops and symposiums! Participants intensively lea...
18m 59s
The RICH Don't Listen to Suze Orman and Dave ...
Robert Kiyosaki has been one of the for most experts in teaching the w...
17m 47s
Graduation Recital: Robert Kahn, conducting ,...
PROGRAM Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Betulia Liberata, K.118 (74c) Kahn, R...
2h 14m 33s
The Taubman Approach to Pianism: Focus on Rot...
Join us for our Golandsky Institute Summer Symposium. Participants int...
1h 25m 36s
Robert Therrien at Gagosian, Beverly Hills
Installation video of: Robert Therrien September 23 - October 29, 2011...