A representative for Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas, did not immediately respond to a question about the Legislatures plans, but in a statement, the Salinas Democrat said he was very pleased the California Supreme Court rejected this unlawful and extreme effort to take power away from local communi
Date: Jun 20, 2024
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Prosecution argues right-to-die group helped in woman's suicide; defense says ...
But defense attorney Robert Rivas said the state based its case on emotion and that the group is careful to stay within constitutionally protected speech. He said the group, which is incorporated in Georgia, provides people who choose to end their lives with emotional and philosophical support, and
Date: May 13, 2015
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Former Faribault nurse convicted again of assisting suicides
Robert Rivas, a Florida attorney representing Final Exit, said the Melchert-Dinkel convictions probably arent relevant to his case. But, Rivas said, the case could be postponed yet again: At a hearing Monday in Hastings, District Judge Karen Asphaug told the attorneys she intended to recuse herself
Date: Sep 09, 2014
Category: World
Source: Google
Dakota County appeal in right-to-die case will go before state high court
In September, a three-judge panel of the Minnesota Court of Appeals ruled the state law was a violation of the freedom of speech. Robert Rivas, the attorney for members of the Final Exit Network, which helped Doreen Dunn take her life in 2007, called the ruling a "grand slam."
Date: Dec 27, 2013
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Judge dismisses charge against leading right-to-die advocate
it a felony for someone to intentionally assist, advise or encourage suicide. In court documents, Final Exit Network general counsel Robert Rivas wrote that while the state may bar someone from "assisting" a suicide, it is unconstitutional for the state to ban "advising" or "encouraging" a suicide.
the Final Exit members say Minnesota's law is unconstitutional. In court documents, Final Exit Network general counsel Robert Rivas wrote that while the state may bar someone from "assisting" a suicide, it is unconstitutional for the state to ban "advising" or "encouraging" a suicide pure speech.
Date: Mar 22, 2013
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Minnesota judge dismisses assisted-suicide charges against ex-president of ...
members say Minnesotas law is unconstitutional. In court documents, Final Exit Network general counsel Robert Rivas wrote that while the state may bar someone from assisting a suicide, it is unconstitutional for the state to ban advising or encouraging a suicide pure speech.
"The protocols are you don't touch anything when you're at somebody's bedside, and you're not allowed to provide anybody with any implements, any hood or bag, or if it's someone who intends to use drugs, you don't provide any drugs," said Robert Rivas, general counsel of the network.
Date: May 27, 2011
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Robert “Dublife” Rivas
R.O.B. Studio - Artist/Audio Engineer (2005)
Robert Rivas
I'm twenty one. I love my girlfriend. I enjoy video games. I am nerdy and I am PROUD!
I will eat your whole head!
Robert Rivas
Home Depot
Robert Rivas
California State University, San Bernardino
Robert Rivas
Robert Rivas
Robert Rivas
Robert Rivas
Assemblymember Robert Rivas Commends Governor...
3m 54s
Assemblymember Robert Rivas Wins Fight For Mo...
2m 17s
CA Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas?
This week, CA Assemblyman Robert Rivas (D-Hollister) told Assembly Spe...
12m 50s
Robert Rivas agrees that Anthony Rendon shoul...
Assembly democrats met after legislator Robert Rivas claimed that he h...
2m 2s
Interview with Robert Rivas
Today we look back at our interview with Assemblymember Robert Rivas. ...