Barking Hound Village Foundation Atlanta, GA May 2012 to Oct 2012 Program CoordinatorBobby C. Aniekwu & Associates Atlanta, GA May 2012 to Sep 2012 Legal Assistant ApprenticeshipDelta Airlines Atlanta, GA Jun 1997 to Apr 2011 (Purser) Flight Attendant / Consultant
State University of New York Oneonta, NY 1997 Bachelors of Arts in English
Tri-lingual, Micro-soft Office proficient, Process-Improvement, Extensive Customer Service background, Marketing, Real Estate Investor
Barking Hound Village Foundation Atlanta, GA May 2012 to Nov 2012 Internship in Animal Health and Human Services at Fulton County Animal ServicesBobby C. Aniekwu & Associates Atlanta, GA May 2012 to Sep 2012 InternshipDelta Airlines Atlanta, GA Jun 1997 to Apr 2011 (Purser) Flight Attendant / Consultant
State University of New York Oneonta, NY 1997 Bachelors of Arts in English (Concentrations in Speech & Diversity)
SKILLS: Proficiency in Spanish, Italian and Portuguese Flexible and able to adapt quickly to challenges and any diverse environments Recognized as creative, analytical and practical problem-solver Excellent communicator, fluent in English and above referenced language skills Ambitious with a lot of excitement and energy to be productive
Robby Caban: #NotYourAverageR... She brings ...
When Politics Done Right developed its 10-point plan, one of the point...
57m 19s
Roberta Gambarini at JALC - Gala for Ella Fit...
April, 2017 - At the Lincoln Center (NY) the JALC Orchestra, directed ...
1h 35m 26s
The responsibility to see environmental issue...
So Paulo is the largest city in Latin America and stands out for bring...
4m 49s
Roberta Campos - Pedao do Cu
Faixa 6 do lbum "Dirio de um Dia", da Roberta Campos. DIRIO DE UM DIA ...
4m 28s
Slim Arms in 30 DAYS! // Beginner Friendly Wo...
Here's an easy arm workout you can do for the next 30 days! These are ...
35m 48s
Roberta S: Cicatrizes / Braseiro
Roberta S: Cicatrizes / Braseiro Saiba mais: Curta: ...
Three other women -- Cynthia Freeman, Vanessa Chancey and Roberta Caban also were arrested. Freeman and Caban met with the AJC and Channel 2 Action News in the law offices of Atlanta attorney Bobby Aniekwu Wednesday.