University of Texas at Austin Cockrell School of Engineering- Austin, TX
Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering
Microsoft Office including highly advanc... • Great teamwork and leadership experience • Great verbal and written communication w... • Some experience in basic programming fun...
Energy XXI Houston, TX May 2012 to Aug 2012 Offshore Engineer, InternSportsPilot Inc Dallas, TX Jun 2010 to Aug 2010 Engineer, Intern
University of Texas at Austin Cockrell School of Engineering Austin, TX 2009 to 2013 Bachelor of Science in Chemical EngineeringUniversity of Texas at Austin AMcCombs School of Business Austin, TX 2010 to 2012 Certificate in Business Foundations
Microsoft Office including highly advanced knowledge of Excel, Great teamwork and leadership experience, Great verbal and written communication with peers/collegues of all ages, Some experience in basic programming fundamentals with C++ Java and IOS languages