Understands: the role and responsibility of a nursing assistant the importance of verbal and non-verbal communication the purpose and use of the patient plan of care patient rights Reports: changes in condition and abnormal signs and symptoms and care given . oAnswer call lights oApply, release and monitor restraints and protective devices, e.g. Geri-chairs, hand, wrist and ankle restraints, roll belts, side rails, etc. oApply, release and monitor sites for leather restraints in acute care and psychiatric settings upon additional training and under the direction of an RN or physician oAdmission and discharge oMeasure height and weight oPlace and remove bedpan and urinal oAssist patient to bathroom or with commode oAssist with bowel and bladder retraining oPerform bladder scan* oEmpty/change urinary drainage bag oCatheter care oMouth care Unconscious and conscious resident, including brushing, flossing and denture care oHair care Shampoo, brush and comb oSkin care Back rub, perineal care, incontinent care oBathing Partial or complete bed bath, tub bath, shower, whirlpool, perineal care oShave with razor oDressing and undressing oNail care oApply elastic stockings oCare for, apply and remove established prosthetic devices, immobilizers and braces oBed making oApply non-medicated over-the-counter (OTC) ointments such as Vaseline, A&D, Bag Balm Desitin, Ben Gay, Mineral Ice, Zinc Oxide or like products oMeasure and record intake and output oObserve patients with IVS oPrepare patients for meals oFeed patients oServe meal trays, understand types/purpose of modified diets oVital signs -TPR, BP, apical, brachial and radial pulses, oral, axillary and rectal temps, pulse oximeter, use of automatic vital signs devices -Perform EKG* -Apply monitor leads* oPosition and provide comfort measures Supine, Prone, Side-lying, Fowlers and Sims positions oAmbulate patients Use of cane, walker or gait belt oCare of a patient who has fallen oMove a patient up in bed oUse of a turn sheet oAssist a patient to dangle to a wheelchair to a chair to a gurney oTransport of patients: by wheelchair oxygen conversion by gurney adjust oxygen flow rate* oAdminister enemas oCare of an established stoma on the abdomen: change bag provide skin care oDigital stimulation oCollection of non-manipulated, non-induced, non-invasive specimens, including the following: urine, clean catch urine, 24-hour urine, stool and sputum specimens using current CDC standard precautions oUnsterile application of warm or cold-moist or dry K-pad ice pack oApply dry sterile dressing* oCPR and Heimlich Maneuver oCPR and Automated External Defibrillation* oApplies Pulse Oximetry