Sandra Woolwine's Public Profile on Plaxo. Plaxo helps members like Sandra Woolwine keep in touch with the people who really matter, helping them to connect, keep each other's ...
Sandra Otterson - Vegas 2015
Sandra Otterson - Vegas 2015.
1m 41s
Sandra Lupo on Camaraderie at Bead Fest 2022
Katie Hacker caught up with the inventor of the Conetastic family of t...
2m 10s
What's Going On Here - May. (Better late than...
Where does the time go? Every month we say - wow! that was a particula...
13m 35s
Wild Irish Grasses (And How To Make A Picture...
It's hard to remember now, but there were a few dry days this summer. ...
4m 51s
In These Uncertain Times...
How small we are in the face of the unfolding events. It's enough to s...
4m 39s
Sandra Otterson - Dr. Wifey (2017)
Sandra Otterson - Dr. Wifey wants to help with your personal problem.
3m 16s
Foot Rot In Sheep And How To Treat It
Foot rot is very common around here because the land is so wet. Untrea...
3m 26s
Hello from Ireland
Well, we didn't know anything about Patreon until a couple of weeks ag...