
Sarah O Vulich

age ~67

from Reno, NV

Also known as:
  • Sarah Oelschlager Vulich
  • Sarah Te Vulich
  • Sarah Jane Vulich
  • Sarah J Vulich
  • Sarah P Vulich
  • Sarah Jane Oelschlager
  • Sarah J Oelschlager
  • Sally O Vulich
  • Vulich O Sarah
  • Sarah Oelshlager
Phone and address:
3425 Skyline Blvd, Reno, NV 89509

Sarah Vulich Phones & Addresses

  • 3425 Skyline Blvd, Reno, NV 89509
  • Crested Butte, CO
  • Morrison, CO
  • Denver, CO
  • Minneapolis, MN
Name / Title
Company / Classification
Phones & Addresses
Sarah Vulich
Lone Peak Creative
Advertising Representative
808 Belluvue, Crested Butte, CO 81224
PO Box 716, Crested Butte, CO 81224

Us Patents

  • Moisture And Heat Management System

    view source
  • US Patent:
    20130276847, Oct 24, 2013
  • Filed:
    Apr 17, 2013
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Thomas J. Vulich - Reno NV, US
    Sarah O. Vulich - Reno NV, US
  • International Classification:
    A47K 3/00
  • US Classification:
    135125, 135124, 4558
  • Abstract:
    A bathtub tent enclosure comprising a flexible supporting frame encased in fabric that opens in a figure-eight configuration and is adjustable in size to fit over a variety of sizes of water receptacles. The enclosure adheres to the bathtub or other water receptacle or a surface surrounding the bathtub or other receptacle with suction cups that are attached to adjustable-length cords. Fabric curtains overlap in the front and include adjustable-length cords that allow the curtain opening to be adjusted to a user's desired setting, from overlapping to fully open. The back of the enclosure includes a continuous sheet fabric curtain. The enclosure can be collapsed by holding the tent flat and twisting the flexible supporting frame over itself until it forms three overlapping continuous loops that lay flat, and can be inserted into a round fabric case for storage when not in use.

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