A gasifier is disclosed combining a fixed bed gasification section where coarse fuel is gasified and an entrained flow gasification section where fine fuel is gasified. The fixed bed section includes upper and lower sections. Coarse fuel is devolatilized in the upper fixed bed section and subjected to elevated temperatures sufficient to crack and destroy tars and oils in the effluent gases. The entrained flow gasification section is disposed in a lower plenum adjacent the lower fixed bed section. A plurality of injection ports are configured to introduce oxygen, steam, or air into different sections of the gasifier to control temperature and operating conditions. Activated carbon may be formed in the upper fixed bed section and in the entrained flow section. The activated carbon may be used as a sorbent to remove pollutants from the effluent gases. The gasifier may be used with various coarse and fine fuel feedstocks.
Redlands, CATeacher at Redlands Unified School District I'm a Spirit lead, Bible believing, God loving, string picking, flute blowing, key pressing, wife cuddling, child nurturing, car racing, music recording, church... I'm a Spirit lead, Bible believing, God loving, string picking, flute blowing, key pressing, wife cuddling, child nurturing, car racing, music recording, church planting, people lover!
, who ran the DNR from 1975 to 1980 before he became governor; Bruce Braun, who served as deputy to the late C.D. Besadny, who was in charge from 1980 to 1992; and former secretaries George Meyer, 1993 to 2001; Darrell Bazzell, 2001 to 2003; Scott Hassett, 2003 to 2007; and Matt Frank, 2007 to 2011.
Date: Jan 11, 2017
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Scott Hassett
Scott Hassett
Scott Hassett was a shareholder and partner at Lawton & Cates, SC for ...
People & Blogs
11 Mar, 2011
1m 30s
Scott Hassett for Attorney General for Wiscon...
www.HassettForAG... Scott Hassett for Attorney General for Wisconsin ...
News & Politics
12 Oct, 2010
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It's Your Law - Scott Hassett
George Curtis interviews former DNR chief, Scott Hassett. He is runnin...
News & Politics
11 Aug, 2010
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Collective Bargaining Origins
Jim Olson and Scott Hassett - February 22, 2011, Madison Wisconsin. In...
Nonprofits & Activism
01 Mar, 2011
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UPFRONT with Mike Gousha, July 25, 2010 - Can...
Scott Hassett, a Democrat candidate for attorney general, says Republi...
News & Politics
25 Jul, 2010
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Integrity :30
As Attorney General, JB Van Hollen knew that DA Ken Kratz had sent har...