Jones Lang LaSalle - Chicago, IL since Feb 2006
Senior Manager, Marketing
Northwest Missouri State University 1993 - 1998
Bachelor of Science, Speech Communications
Marketing Event Management Internal Communications Corporate Communications Event Planning Leadership Marketing Communications Management Digital Marketing Social Media Marketing Marketing Strategy Budgets Social Media Marketing Management Project Management Strategic Planning Crisis Communications Media Relations Microsoft Office Onboarding Project Delivery Video Production Rewards Programs Employee Recognition Recognition Awards Webinar Management Webinar Development Webinars Live Event Producer Program Production
Jones Lang LaSalle - Chicago, IL since Feb 2006
Senior Manager, Marketing
Northwest Missouri State University 1993 - 1998
Bachelor of Science, Speech Communications
Internal Communications Project Management Marketing Communications Budgets Marketing Corporate Communications Strategic Planning Event Planning Event Management Management Social Media Social Media Marketing Leadership Media Relations Marketing Strategy Microsoft Office Onboarding Project Delivery Video Production Rewards Programs Employee Recognition Recognition Awards
Sara Tompkins, Marie Roake, Nicole Mullens, Lesley Danielson, Laura Renecker, Timmi Claveria, Brannie Miller, Wayne Ahlefeld, Austin Russell, Paul Vonahlefeld, Annette Fullmer