Customer service professional with four ... • management and support with recognized s... • procedures and systems to avoid problems... • customer service • and safety for local foodservice provide... • motivate • and supervise customer service employee... • acknowledged as a "Total Quality Custome... • including Word • Excel • Access • PowerPoint and Outlook. Handled cash reg... • cash deposit and cash orders. Open and ... • handle customers and employee grievance....
Panda Express Albuquerque, NM Oct 2010 to Feb 2014 Supervisor
CNM Albuquerque, NM 2014 to 2016 N/A in CommunicationNuestros Valores High School Albuquerque, NM 2004 to 2009 High school diploma in Hight school diploma
Customer service professional with four years successful experience in customer service, management and support with recognized strengths in account maintenance problem-solving and trouble-shooting, procedures and systems to avoid problems in the first place. Developed and trained team members on inventory control, customer service, and safety for local foodservice provide. Program was so successful customers within the company supply chain requested and received training. Ability to train, motivate, and supervise customer service employees. A team player, acknowledged as a "Total Quality Customer Service Professional." Proficient with Microsoft office, including Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint and Outlook. Handled cash register, cash deposit and cash orders. Open and close the store. lnventory and ordering. Supervise the employees, handle customers and employee grievance. Strong writing and verbal communication skills. Communicate dearly and effectively with customers and coworkers.