Philip Quarles - Northport NY Stephanie Quarles - Northport NY
International Classification:
G06F 944
US Classification:
A high availability on-line transaction processing (OLTP) system utilizes both hardware and software. Geographically separated primary (live) and backup (shadow) communications servers link live and shadow OLTP systems to geographically separated live and shadow Wide Area Networks and remote client computers. The remote client computers communicate with the live and shadow OLTP systems through their respective live and shadow WANs and communications servers. The live OLTP system sends "keep-alive" messages to the shadow system via the dedicated circuits on a frequent basis. If the shadow OLTP system does not receive a keep-alive message from the live system within a designated time interval, it sends "probe messages" to the live communications servers and live OLTP system, via the shadow WAN, client computers and live WAN to determine their status. If the live communications servers respond to the probe message(s) but the live OLTP system does not, the shadow OLTP system deduces that the live OLTP system failed and automatically takes over the role of the live system without operator intervention.
Co-President Of Laguna Beach Parents Club (Non Profit Org)
Student Medical Services 1000 Venice Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90015 (213)2027590 (phone), (213)5806559 (fax)
Medical School Meharry Medical College School of Medicine Graduated: 1980
Acute Pharyngitis Bronchial Asthma Otitis Media Pneumonia Acute Conjunctivitis
English Spanish
Dr. Quarles graduated from the Meharry Medical College School of Medicine in 1980. She works in Los Angeles, CA and specializes in Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine.