Robert Andrew Drake - Penarth, GB Jean da la Croix Habimana - Morlanwelz, BE Nick Evan Shephard - Midland MI, US Mustafa Mohamed - Midland MI, US Barry Mark Ketola - Freeland MI, US James Steven Tonge - Sanford MI, US Stephen Jenkins - Bay City MI, US Stephen Altum - Midland MI, US
International Classification:
H01L 31/042
US Classification:
This invention relates to a photovoltaic cell module and a process of applying a silicone based hot melt encapsulant material () onto photovoltaic cells () to form a photovoltaic cell module. There is provided a photovoltaic array with more efficient manufacturing and better utilization of the solar spectrum by using silicone hot melt sheets () to give a silicone encapsulant photovoltaic device with the process ease of an organic encapsulant but the optical and chemical advantages of a silicone encapsulant. There is further provided a method for fabricating photovoltaic cells with increased throughput and optical efficiency when compared to prior art encapsulation methods. The preferred silicone material is provided in flexible sheet with hot melt properties and low surface tack.