A double zipper lock for a luggage case comprises a base with a housing containing a combination lock, and a U-shaped loop adapted to embrace the housing. Arms of the loop are pivotally mounted on opposite ends of the housing and a bight portion of the loop cooperates with portions of the base to form chambers that, when closed, trap zipper sliders. When the combination lock is set on-combination, the user may lift the loop, to free the sliders, by engaging the bight portion with the fingers of a hand and using the thumb to press a manual actuator inwardly of the housing. The actuator is part of a bolt that is supported for pivotal and translational movement. The translational movement, which is permitted only when the lock is on-combination, causes pivotal movement of a latch member from a latching position to an unlatching position. In the latching position, the latch member prevents lifting of the loop.