Local organizing committee spokesman Sung Baik-you says the 1 million mark exceeds expectations 692,443 people attended games venues from Feb. 9 to Feb. 17, and there's still about a week remaining.
Date: Feb 18, 2018
Category: Sports
Source: Google
The Latest: Girard wins Olympic gold in 1000 meters
Organizing committee spokesman Sung Baik-you on Saturday said the two Swiss athletes who were confirmed with norovirus had been staying privately near Phoenix Snow Park, not in an Olympic athletes village.
Date: Feb 17, 2018
Category: Sports
Source: Google
Winter Olympics opening ceremony hit with cyber attack, but officials won't say who's behind it
There was a cyber attack and the server was updated yesterday during the day and we have the cause of the problem, Sung Baik-you, a spokesperson for the games, told the Guardian on Sunday.
Date: Feb 11, 2018
Category: Sports
Source: Google
During Opening Ceremonies, PyeongChang Organizing Committee computer servers hacked
There were some issues that impacted some of our computer systems last night for a few hours, said Sung Baik-You, the committee spokesman. We apologize for the inconvenience caused to all those affected. This has not disrupted any event or had any effect on the safety or security of any athletes