Director at The Practical Expert Product Creation Specialist and Project Manager, Director and coach at Help With Aging Parents
Augusta, Maine
Professional Training & Coaching
The Practical Expert Product Creation Specialist and Project Manager - Augusta, Maine since Mar 2012
Help With Aging Parents since Apr 2008
Director and coach
The Practical Expert - Maine Nov 2008 - Jul 2011
Director and Business Start-up Coach
State of Maine gov't Apr 1985 - Aug 2004
Counselor and then Program Admin
Master's degree, Leadership - specialized
Personal Development Executive Coaching Leadership Development Team Building Marketing Strategy Management Consulting Business Strategy Organizational Development Motivational Speaking Social Media Marketing Change Management Online Advertising Training Social Media Business Planning Staff Development Social Networking Marketing Non-profits Business
Castles, water color painting, taking in rescue English Springer Spaniels, reading, action movies, travel, having fun and sailing.
Honor & Awards:
numerous in past endeavers, plan on adding more to the closet with newest businesses.
most recent is nominated to the Best of the Web 2012 in the Social Media Rockstars - Individuals category. The Best of the Web 2012 contest highlights the best senior living and caregiving websites, blogs, and resources on the web for consumers and senior living professionals.
For the most part we are rarely prepared for the day our parents begin...
1m 35s
TONB Assisted Facilities Interview 2
Interview: Get Your Book Noticed - Alternatives for assisted living fo...
12m 31s
Top 10 Palettes Under $10 | 2022
Top 10 #eyeshadow palettes under $10 in 2022! #drugstoremakeup #afford...
9m 19s
Tonia Boterf
The Practical Expert - Coach
I've spent years coaching (1984) and love it, it feeds my soul. I happen to be blessed with exceptional problem solving skills and am able to write easily. I get excited and energized by connectin...
Product Creation and Plan Implementation Made Easy
Bragging Rights:
Found my soulmate later in life - lucky me! Lots of awards and education but I believe in the 'doing' is the most important aspect of a person, especially morals/ethics/integrity. Specialized Masters program that you have to be selected for changed my life and I live it to this day. I'm survived several tramas, love my children and growing # of grandchildren. Life is good.
Tonia Boterf
Holistic Health Practitioner (HHP) – 2008 grad Certified Life Coach – 2008 grad Licensed Social Worker (LSW) – 1988 to present – includes a # of CEUs needed to renew every 2 yrs Practical Life Coach experience – 25+ years of life, work and volunteer experience Nutrition Consultant (NC) – 2007 grad Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with minor in Employee Relations – 1984 grad Master’s level diploma in Leadership – 1999 grad Associate of Arts in Marketing – 1984 grad Substantial additional coursework in Business Administration Member International Coaching Federation – 2009 Member ACCPOW – 2009
Congratulations! You have made the first step in searching for excellent services to help you care for your aging parents or a senior. Tonia Boterf knows how you feel...she has walked in your shoes. ...
Bragging Rights:
This book (Creating the Best Living Environment for your Aging Parent) is an excellent resource for anyone dealing with aging parents. It tells you how to identify problems or safety issues that our parents can keep well hidden in their effort to remain independent- or those that we simply overlook. Tonia provides many valuable suggestions to help the care giver in their role. Helping aging parents retain their dignity and respect can be challenging, but well worth the effort. The book is a must read! Taffy Davis, RN, BSN healthcare educator, a nurse for 25 years, Farmington, Maine