Colston-Ariston was founded by ex-Hoover director Sir Charles Colston, and made compact dishwashers, and concluded a deal to distribute Prestcold refrigerators.
2002 to 2000 Federal Air MarshalFederal Correctional Complex Victorville Califoria
2000 to 2002 GS-11 LieutenantFeceral Bureau of Prisons Butner, NC 1992 to 2000 Federal Correctional OfficerVirginia State Department of Correction
1992 to 2000 county jail supervisorUnited States Marine Quantico, VA 1982 to 1991 Sergeant of the Guard for NATO Command and the European Command, IArmy Solider Fort Lee, VA 1980 to 1982 supply inventory specialist
West End High School Birmingham, AL 1977 to 1981 Bachelor in Criminal Justice