john kostik's Public Profile on Plaxo. Plaxo helps members like john kostik keep in touch with the people who really matter, helping them to connect, keep each other's contact data ...
Moses Part 1
In Deuteronomy 18:18, God tells us how we will know who the Messiah of...
1h 16m 43s
Psalm 23
You will be gobsmacked to learn all that God hid in a mere six verses ...
45m 47s
The Rapture
Let's explore the what, why and when of yeshua rapturing His Bride bef...
1h 30m 47s
Corona Virus in the torah
Deuteronomy 18 informs us that only the one true God of Israel knows t...
26m 2s
Jesus in Genesis: 1. The First Word of the Bi...
I asked my dad once how do you convince a Jewish person that Jesus is ...
17m 10s
Yeshua Jesus' Birthday
Here are the dates of Sukkot for upcoming years: 2018 September 23 - S...
John Kostik 1978 graduate of Connellsville High School in Connellsville, PA is on See pictures, plan your class reunion and get caught up with John and other high ...