
John F Mauzey

age ~69

from Kalispell, MT

Also known as:
  • John Frederick Mauzey
  • Tina Marit Mauzey
Phone and address:
1250 Holt Stage, Kalispell, MT 59901

John Mauzey Phones & Addresses

  • 1250 Holt Stage, Kalispell, MT 59901
  • Creston, MT
  • 11020 Amity Rd, Boise, ID 83709 • (208)3620249
  • 6254 Glencrest Ave, Garden City, ID 83714
  • Colorado Spgs, CO


  • Company:
    Embedded lion
    Oct 2006
  • Position:


  • School / High School:
    University of Colorado Colorado Springs
    1980 to 1989


Firmware • System Architecture • Embedded Systems • C • Agile Methodologies • Software Development • Hardware • Test Automation • C++ • Asic • Embedded C • Embedded Software • Linux


Computer Software
Name / Title
Company / Classification
Phones & Addresses
John Mauzey
Embedded Lion LLC
Computer Software Development
1250 Holt Stage, Kalispell, MT 59901


John Mauzey Photo 1


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1250 Holt Stage, Kalispell, MT 59901
Computer Software
Embedded Lion

Hewlett-Packard 1979 - 2005
R and D Engineer
University of Colorado Colorado Springs 1980 - 1989
Flathead High School 1970 - 1973
System Architecture
Embedded Systems
Agile Methodologies
Software Development
Test Automation
Embedded C
Embedded Software

Us Patents

  • System For Printing A Document With Recurring Images

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  • US Patent:
    7495794, Feb 24, 2009
  • Filed:
    Jul 21, 2000
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Terry A. Smith - Boise ID, US
    John F. Mauzey - Boise ID, US
  • Assignee:
    Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. - Houston TX
  • International Classification:
    G06F 15/00
  • US Classification:
    358 118, 358 116, 358 324
  • Abstract:
    A printing system for printing documents that includes a recurring image. The printing system includes a computer connected to a printer over a communication link. The computer generates a named sequence to represent the recurring image and a parameter. The parameter value provides the printer with information that can be used to optimize the processing and printing of the named sequence.
  • Page Processing And Print Engine Management

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  • US Patent:
    7929160, Apr 19, 2011
  • Filed:
    Mar 10, 2003
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Theresa A. Burkes - Meridian ID, US
    Richard M. Dow - Laramie WY, US
    Chris R. Gunning - Boise ID, US
    Dana A. Jacobsen - Boise ID, US
    Lisa Johnson - Boise ID, US
    Raymond S. Kennedy - Nampa ID, US
    Robert J. Lavey - Siloam Springs AR, US
    Perry Lea - Meridian ID, US
    Scott S. Lee - Meridian ID, US
    John Mauzey - Boise ID, US
    Douglas J. Mellor - Meridian ID, US
    Steven R. Folkner - Boise ID, US
    Randall E. Grohs - Star ID, US
    Terry-Lee M. Fritz - Boise ID, US
    Michael B. Lloyd - Meridian ID, US
  • Assignee:
    Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. - Houston TX
  • International Classification:
    G06F 15/00
  • US Classification:
    358 115, 358 15, 358448, 358 117, 358 112, 358 114, 358 116, 358 111, 358 113, 358 118, 358 17
  • Abstract:
    An exemplary device implementation includes: a manager that is capable of monitoring a process for preparing a page for printing; and a print engine that is capable of printing the page after the process for preparing the page for printing is complete; wherein the device is adapted to temporally overlap the process for preparing the page for printing with preparation of the print engine for printing. An exemplary method implementation includes actions of: beginning processing of a page of a printing job; providing at least one command to a print engine responsive to at least one time remaining estimate for the processing of the page of the printing job prior to completion of the processing of the page of the printing job; and changing a state of the print engine responsive to the providing of the at least one command to the print engine.
  • Rendering Sub-Sections

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  • US Patent:
    20040246502, Dec 9, 2004
  • Filed:
    Jun 9, 2003
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Dana Jacobsen - Boise ID, US
    John Mauzey - Boise ID, US
  • International Classification:
  • US Classification:
    358/001100, 358/001160
  • Abstract:
    A system, method, and article for rendering a page for a printing device is described. The system, method, and article include partitioning a page into multiple sections, partitioning individual sections into multiple sub-sections, and rendering individual sub-sections of the section. Further, a system, method, and article in an embodiment also include a cache memory, wherein the sub-sections of the section are sized so that a sub-section raster image size is less than the cache size, so that all or most of the pixels of the sub-section raster image are rendered in the cache. Further, the system, method, and article in an embodiment also include multiple processors each configured to separately render a sub-section concurrently.
  • Printer Method And Apparatus For Combining Sub-Images To Eliminate Image Artifacts

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  • US Patent:
    58057811, Sep 8, 1998
  • Filed:
    Mar 7, 1997
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    C. Kevin McIntyre - Boise ID
    John F. Mauzey - Boise ID
    Mark R. Heim - Boise ID
  • Assignee:
    Hewlett-Packard Company - Palo Alto CA
  • International Classification:
    G06F 1500
  • US Classification:
  • Abstract:
    A printer produces an improved pixel image representation of encoded image data when sub-image portions are combined into larger image portions. The printer receives encoded image data as a data stream of sub-image segments and stores the sub-image segments. Each sub-image segment includes associated graphics state information which defines at least some image attributes of the sub-image segment. When each new sub-image segment is completely received, it is placed on a closed image list. Upon such listing, the printer's processor compares the graphics state information and boundary data for the now complete sub-image segment with at least one other listed sub-image segment in the closed list. The processor combines the new sub-image segment with the other sub-image segment if both a matching graphics state and matching boundary data are found. An image processor within the printer then subjects the combined sub-image segments to spatial processing as a unitary image.
  • Method And Apparatus For Reducing Printer Memory

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  • US Patent:
    60942789, Jul 25, 2000
  • Filed:
    Sep 24, 1997
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Marcus A. Smith - Boise ID
    John F. Mauzey - Boise ID
  • Assignee:
    Hewlett-Packard Company - Palo Alto CA
  • International Classification:
    G06K 1500
  • US Classification:
    358 116
  • Abstract:
    A system for reducing memory resources required to process a print job having common page print data. Reduction of memory resources is accomplished by first analyzing pages from an application for common page aspects and unique page aspects. The common page aspects are then converted to common page print data and the unique page aspects are converted to unique page print data. The common page print data is identified in a manner allowing for an optimized form of the common page print data to be created. An optimized form of the common page print data is then created and stored. The common page print data is merged with the unique page print data in an appropriate manner. Each page is then printed. The invention has particular benefits for presentation applications using the same background for each page in a set. Other applications can also benefit.


John Mauzey Photo 2

John Mauzey

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John Mauzey Photo 3

John Mauzey

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MAUZY BTS VLOG: Newfoundland - Our Bucket Lis...

0:00 - 1:18 The trip STARTS! 1:18 - 1:57 Arriving in St. John's 1:57 -...

  • Duration:
    28m 2s

OBSESSED!: Alli Mauzey Proves "Head Voice" an...

As a highly regarded musical theatre pro, Seth Rudetsky is often asked...

  • Duration:
    2m 42s

"Wicked" Star Alli Mauzey Reveals How She Spe...

Backstage at "Wicked," star Alli Mauzey has loaded her dressing room w...

  • Duration:
    1m 38s

TDF Conversations: Kimberly Akimbo

Thursday, Dec 8, at 3pm ET. As dysfunctional sisters Pattie and Debra ...

  • Duration:
    46m 22s

John Zorn - Jazz in Marciac - Live 2010 (Full...

This is some golden footage here... Pro-shot by Mezzo and the Jazz in ...

  • Duration:
    53m 55s

OBSESSED!: Meet Alli Mauzey's Invisible Friend

Although she appeared in "Hairspray" and "Wicked," Alli Mauzey made he...

  • Duration:
    6m 6s


John Mauzey Photo 4

Flathead High School, Kal...

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Christopher Smith (1997-2001),
Dave Missman (1970-1974),
John Mauzey (1969-1973),
Tracey Binegar (1978-1982),
Walter Siring (1956-1960)


John Mauzey Photo 5

John Mauzey

Life is GOOD!

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