BAE Systems since May 2006
Mechanical Engineer
BAE Systems May 2005 - Aug 2005
Mechanical Engineering Intern
US Army Feb 1999 - Feb 2002
Aviation Weapons Mechanic
North Dakota State University 2002 - 2006
Bachelor of Science (BS), Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Pro Engineer Systems Engineering Trade Studies Windchill Pro/Engineer Ansys Faro Arm
The Collapse of Complex Societies w/ Joseph T...
November 2nd, 2022 Joseph Tainter visits The Stoa to discuss his book,...
57m 32s
Suzanne Staiert (Deputy Secretary of State Co...
Suzanne Staiert, Deputy Secretary of State Colorado, spoke about how t...
2m 47s
Customer Testimonial | Laurie Staiert Westerg...
Mrs. Laurie Staiert Westergaard, a Thrasher radon mitigation customer ...
2m 32s
What Causes ESTPs to Hate Life? | CS Joseph R...
Discover your personality type free: CS Joseph responds to the Acoly...
15m 50s
Who Are The ESTPs (The Gladiator)? | ESTP Cog...
CS Joseph discusses who are the ESTPs (The Gladiator) and what are the...
32m 21s
How Can an Insecure ESTP Develop? | CS Joseph...
Discover your personality type free: CS Joseph Responds to the Acoly...