I like to keep up with technology,I'm a movie fan, early childhood professional, foodie, fashion lover, music lover, crafter, sewer, sports fan, pretty much all around June-of-all trades : D
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June Stone
June Stone
June Stone
JUNE Birthstones - MOONSTONE & PEARL! Learn t...
Today we are doing a deep dive into the birthstones for June: MOONSTON...
6m 16s
JUNE Birthstones | Alexandrite Pearl Moonstone
June birthstones offer three wonderful options to choose from alexandr...
4m 57s
All 12 Birthstone Colors & Meanings
Birthstones by Month: January: Garnet. February: Amethyst. March: Aqua...
11m 11s
Pushin' Against a Stone
"Pushin' Against A Stone", Valerie June's 2013 album, is available eve...
3m 53s
Birthstone of June | | Episode 6 | Blue ...
birthstones #bluelightgemsto... #june In this Video we have shared ou...
6m 39s
Valerie June - Pushin' Against a Stone
Title: Pushin' Against a Stone Artist: Valerie June Album: Pushin' Aga...
4 days ago June Stone - Now on Google+, Let's connect! - I like to keep up with technology,I' m a movie fan, early childhood professional, foodie, fashion ...