Susan Sylvester (1962-1966), Deborah Horne (1964-1968), lisa martin (1977-1981), nancy dobransky (1987-1991), clint Loomis (1967-1971), jan butler (1979-1983)
glee's iconic sue sylvester quotes
jane lynch = national treasure naya prints/shirts for charity: tags...
5m 29s
Sue Sylvester being the best character on gle...
Also I know it's been a while but Rest In Peace Cory Monteith and Naya...
7m 29s
Sue Sylvester's Rage and Tantrums | The BritT...
I wonder why Sue wasn't sued! #suesylvester #sueragetantrums #madsuesy...
13m 31s
Terry Sylvester -- Sorry Suzanne
Terry Sylvester, formerly of The Hollies, sings his first hit with the...
3m 59s
Sue Sylvester spitting straight facts for fiv...
We know she is right.
5m 16s
Sue Sylvester Speech (Funeral) - Glee S02E21
An excerpt from Glee S02E21 "Funeral" Sue Sylvester's sister died.